
136 Audio Reviews

98 w/ Responses


Quite an interesting piece of work. I must say, when I read the description, I was expecting something pointing about 180 degrees in the opposite direction of what the song actually looks like, but it's an excellent song nonetheless. When you said epic, I was actually picturing something loaded with heavy strings and 4-octave chords, when you have actually gone for a somewhat softer synth background. Definitely not my idea of epic, but works like a charm for creating a tense atmosphere.

Also, I must point out that I don't really agree on this song being "aggressive". True, the bass-line you wrote has the potential to cause outbursts of rage against small furry animals, but definitely not with the pace of the drums that you have chosen. If we were talking about a rampaging drum section, I'd consider calling this aggressive. As far as boss battles go, this also seems to have a slightly too long build-up, as boss battle themes (from my point of view, at least) need to have more of an in-medias-res factor.

Now to the instruments: the sound of the bass was nice, and I love the way you used the muted notes to give it a bit more adrenaline, which also worked well with the sections where you let it get dissipated in the effects. The short synth leads you used are really nice for the progressions you used, and they seemed to create an icy feeling, especially when combined with the piano-esque sounds and strings. The drums could've been a tad louder, but I guess that's just a matter of personal preference.

Overall, I'd say that the songs over-repetitive bass-line gives the feeling of massive lack of diversity. Which is a shame, seeing that you obviously put a lot of effort into it: the volume control, effects and all. So: speeding up the drums and adding another bridge-section in the middle (just to break the monotony) is all I can actually suggest. Other then that: Good work!


Damn sick track. Haven't heard such a trampling gabber intro in a while now. The kick you used is truly epic, just the right amount of stomp and punch that every gabber kick needs. In fact, it's so epic it actually intrigued me so much that I'm writing my first review after a while now. ;D

So, from the top: the intro was really energetic, it was an obvious sign of the sickness to come after it. The "Dumb and Dumber" sample was pure awesome, and the way you used it reminded me a tad of a gabber track off of one of the Thunderdome cds, but I really can't remember the name at the moment. I personally love the use of such screams/screeches/overall noise in music, so it worked like a charm. Both the pitch modification and the repetition of the sound were really satisfying, probably meaning you really did cut the sample at that exact sweet spot. XD

At 1:29, I'd have to say you let it go way too soft way too fast. The progression was dark enough to sound good, but the sound of the choir didn't really suit the general feel of the song up to that point (just an opinion, of course). It's just that the kind of sound isn't exactly what I'm used to hearing in this sort of music, so I suppose it came as sort of a surprise.

The lead at 2:02 was a welcome refreshment after the more calm part before it, because it seemed to fit the general aggressive feeling that I believe was created during the beginning of the song (let's face it: that kick wasn't made to cuddle with fuzzy animals).

It's melody was also good, and it gave a new dimension to the song, because the kick-less section allowed the melody's bass notes to come out into the open; however, I did not think the continuation of the melody on the piano fits in at all. The bass notes of the entire melody were sounding as though they tried to be diverse, but ended up repeating too many times one after the other, which sounded slightly... well, annoying. That's pretty much the only thing that I found a decent enough reason for this track to justify it's title.

So, I'd say that overall, it's a really good song, but you may have gone a bit better off with some more simplistic, aggressive sections instead of inserting the slightly trance-ey choir part and piano melody. Perhaps some would see that as an attempt to fit as much as possible within the boundries which many people imagine when they think of gabber, but I find that it could use some more of that. Still, you definitely get plus point for a less common approach to the song, so I can hardly take it against you. The song is truly high-quality material, and the things I disliked are truly just a matter of personal preference, so I don't really think you should lose any of the 10 shiny stars because of it.

Great job, and keep up the awesome work!

Nav responds:

Thanks for the review! :)

Let me justify a few things :P

First off: The choir, as much as you might doubt it, became a staple of the genre. I've been listening to too much nu style =\... But if you were raised on Thunderdome, I can see why it might seem out of place! :)

Also, this is a track meant to be DJ'd, so that sudden point is when the DJ crosses the fader completely, or completely phases out the other track... It's basically something that has to be there, otherwise I would probably have started the track with the choir and the vocal sample.

Secondly: I agree, the piano doesn't fit. I'm working on a remix to make it easier to DJ, and the piano is gone. However, I'm having trouble figuring out what to put in it's place =\

Thanks for the detailed review! I might throw one back later today, if I feel up to it.


Really nice stuff, I loved the melody even though it took some time to develop it. The fills at 2:00 are really cool, but overall, I would've liked a bit more diversity, even for an ambient song. Those bells at the end part almost pulled it out, but it still left the beginning a bit empty (as in: slowly developed).

The sounds you used were really nice, especially the one at 0:55, that one sounded quite soothing. And using only the kicks to accentuate rythm was definitely a good idea, even the softest snare would probably ruin this chill-feel.

All in all, it's really good, but there's still a bit of room for improvement!

HMS-Productions responds:

yup, you're right, bunch of stuff I didn't like in the song, it came out pretty quick and I really don't feel like going back to it :p just one of those things I did while bored.

Thanks for the review :D


Straight to the point? That's an understatement.

I'm probably not the right person to judge whether this suits your personal style or not, but it definitely is intense! It's really interesting to see that in this really short length of 25 seconds, you've managed to have quite a cool development of the song.

The melody was really cool, it actually reminded me a bit of some oriental Behemoth-like solos, and the sound of the lead was really good. The base riff seemed just a tad too bassy for my taste, but I guess that's all a matter of style and personal preference. Also, another major improvement to the song would be complicating the drums up a bit- after that lightning transition in the beginning, the rest of the beat seems slow, which could probably be helped with some more snare hits and the like.

Still, it's a really good and adrenaline packed song, especially for 25 seconds of length. Also, the title made me laugh like hell. XD


I really liked the piano melody, the sound you used was really good, it just seemed a tad too repetitive. I really liked the changing of drum EQ throughout the song, it really gave it an original edge. The synth melody at 0:53 sounded nice, it reminded me of a theme for some video game. If I had to complain about anything, it would probably be the length of the song and the fact that it does end a bit too abruptly. Otherwise, this is really nice stuff, you should keep on working on it and turn it into a longer song, I'm sure it would look great!

XenoxX responds:

Thanks a lot and sorry for the misunderstanding in teh forum. Yeah its not my normal style but it's something I wish to work towards. Thanks for the review!

Have A great Day!


This song reminded me a lot of Ramin Djawadi's work on the soundtrack for "Iron Man" (which can only be a good thing, since I find that soundtrack to be an excellent one), but a lot more action-packed and heavy: a very powerful blend of epic orchestral music and excellent guitar melodies. This song would probably fit more in a really fast-paced movie trailer than as the theme for a TV show.

The build of the song's foundations was fairly usual for your songs (not that that is a bad thing!)- mighty string chords, brass sections and heavy drums with accentuated snare hits to form that unique feeling of a march, which is just what is needed to get somebody's adrenaline pumping, but the melody on the electric guitar was something I didn't exactly expect to hear in your work. However, the result is more than satisfying, as the guitar melodies have fitted in the song just perfectly.

The song really feels very powerful and adrenaline-packed, but has that profound feeling that can't be created by simple aggressive songs. If this is what Hockey Night feels like to you, maybe the players should spend more time playing the game, and less time beating each other senseless in slow-motion. The song has such a mighty pull, I'm hardly restraining myself from using the word 'epic' in every sentence within this review.

I believe this is far from insanity, since the song is really a magnificent piece of work. In my opinion, truly something you might consider showcasing as one of your best.

Once again- Great work, Maestro!

MaestroRage responds:

First I must agree with you. This theme was not at all appropriate for Hockey. I believe at some point I forgot about what it was meant to be, and focused purely to expressing this unfocused anger I had at failing so many times in a row. It was really frustrating. I mean I had no idea building a simple tv theme was so hard.

Maybe that's my flaw. I simply cannot accept simplicity, even where simplicity is what I should be doing.

I always thought Hockey would be more fun if they introduced a sword to every player's side. Either control the puck, or slash at the person who has the puck :D!!!!!!

This is why I don't design sports. I bet i'd make a great Aztec though, I hear their sports were brutal.

I do agree, it is one of my most energetic songs, and I do consider it one of my best. Thank you for your words and review, i'm glad you liked it!

Very intense

This song is absolutely brilliantly composed when it comes to hitting the right, action-packed atmosphere needed for many games. It reminded me a bit of a mix of MGS music with something a lot heavier on the sounds and drums. The beat you have going, along with all of the sounds, really fits the theme perfectly, this may be used in many parts of different games and movies: as level music, straight-to-the-point intros, sudden twists in the plot, or even background music for the final climax. I have no doubt this one will be quite well received if you give your best in advertising it in the Audio forum.

The bass line and synth pads with some soft choir-aahs were an excellent foundation to build the excellent melodies of orchestra hits and that synth lead that you used. The melodies were excellent, the chord progressions were just the right thing to create the feeling of a rising level of tension, and the powerful drums really were the cherry on top. Almost makes you want to grab something highly volatile and run through a crowd of badly pissed hostile people. XD

What else is there to say except-great work! Keep it up, you're quite obviously really good at it!

Juguito responds:

thanx a lot!
i think it would be better
a little longer
but i really appreciate
your review!


This song reminds me a bit of music from some video game, but I just can't recall exactly which one. The sounds you used were really nice, I especially liked the guitar sound you used from the beginning. For minor improvements to this song, I would suggest: 1) reducing the pan distance between the instruments for just a bit (i realize you were going for the greater impact of the right side joining in afterwards, but with such extreme pan differences, the first half minute is too obviously right-sideless), 2) softening the entry of the electric guitar lead, it seems to disrupt the beautiful, atmospheric development of the song you had up until it came in, 3) increasing the duration of the final chord, this ending seems a bit rushed and breaks the snoozy feeling of the song (of course, all of this is purely my opinion, so It might be that I'm wrong).

With these minor modifications, this would be a truly perfect song for relaxing. Actually, listening to it looped while writing this did make me a bit sleepy. ;) It reminded me a bit of ending themes for some movies or video games as it left a sort of tranquil feeling, as though all of the previous problems have disappeared, and everyone is suddenly at ease after a long time.

All together, it's a great song! Well done!

Darkmaster603 responds:

No, I completely agree. I finally got everything recorded, and the ending got messed up somehow. The electric does come in pretty loud, but I thought it was just me being hard on myself. As for the panning, I'll try to make it not so apart.

Thank you for your input and the time it took to write all that!


This song really starts out very well, the sound you used in the start was excellent, but I believe it was cut out too abruptly. A smoother transition with a descending volume would really help a lot.

Next, the synth electric guitar-like sound was a bit too sharp and kinda irritating. I'd suggest smoothing it out somehow, or even completely removing it in favor of another sound, possibly a softer one.

The drum beat was good and steady, so I wouldn't do too much changes in that area. Also, I keep on having this feeling that these repeating notes just don't fit in nicely. It is probably a better idea to keep one long note with a percussive sound in the background to make it sound as though there were more than to simply put same notes one after another. This way it seems as though the song was cut into pieces (at least in my view).

And, as a final touch to the piece, I'd suggest using some subtle, slow synth pad sound in the background (simply chords that slowly change throughout the song), I believe it would round up the song to be better.

HMS-Productions responds:

I hadn't gotten around to automation or transitions or anything yet, I slapped this up quickly to get an idea of what I was doing. Im also planning a longer intro with that first instrument, have the beat come in in parts then start the song.

I think I might re-master the guitar part and fix up it's part, don't know if I'll take it off completely though.

I knew it was missing something big, i think your idea with the one long note will help things out. But i didnt understand everything, did you mean take off the melody/replace it with the one long note, or have it playing along with the melody?

I've already been brainstorming about a pad filler, but yeah you're absolutely right there.

Thanks for the review! You pointed out some things I didnt really think about.



This is a really great song for background music use, it would fit very nicely in a video game. The melodies fit perfectly with each other, and develop beautifully. At first, I thought that the pizzicato melody was nice, but the 8-bitish sound took it to a whole new level. Also, the drums were excellent and gave it that edge that any good song requires. The use of stops in the drum line made the re-entry of drums all the more powerful. Really, really good stuff.

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